Website Display and Promotion

Submit your art work for website display and promotion
If your work is selected for display, it doesn’t automatically mean that it is selected for promotion…You will receive a message that your work is selected for free promotion!

Submission Started –11 Sep 23 to 20 Sep 23

  • Submit work on email —
  • Email subject: website submission
  • up to 4 Artworks
  • Give all your paintings a “Title”

Write a brief biography–few lines (Don’t copy paste …Write in your own words)
Check grammar mistakes of your biography
Remove all mistakes (Check full stop, spacing)
Mention Insta or other social media profiles like YouTube

Mention  Details about your Painting
Framed or not
Which material you used and on what surface—acrylic on canvas sheet/oil on canvas
Style: Realistic/Impressionistic etc
Price your work

Rename your jpg files and write title of painting as their name (because pics are not attached in sequence and confusion arrises)
Send one good quality image and other low quality image of each artwork (one pic in mb and one in kb)
For converting in kb, use website (it’s free and very easy, just upload image and your file ready to download)

Your painting can be selected for free promotion
Combo Promotion on insta (small fees (200Rs) but more promotion)
Full Paid Promotion on Insta and website (500 Rs)
Write in your email that you want combo or full paid promotion
Combo Promotion has limited seats